Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Tech & Engineering
Internship opportunities at the ITER Organization Task Title: INT.25.W2.TKP-Ageing of tungsten components under tokamak conditions Application Deadline: 31/03/2025 Department: ITER Construction Project Division / Program: Tokamak Program Section / Project: Divertor Project Duration (in months): 6 Months Location: France, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex Short Description: This internship will be focused on the evolution of 'ITER-like' tungsten components that are installed in the CEA WEST tokamak and exposed to plasma, to provide confirmation of ITER requirements for the Series manufacturing production, and for the assessment of long term performance of these plasma facing components installed in one of the most thermally demanding parts of the ITER machine - the Divertor. Description of tasks: Task 1: Familiarize with ITER and WEST tokamak configurations, materials and design used for Divertor Plasma-Facing-Units (PFUs), with operational requirements and degradation mechanisms under plasma exposure. Familiarize also with pre and post characterization techniques. Task 2: Support the development of analysis scripts and assist in data analysis such as microscopy, surface characterization measurements, dimensional inspections and material, mechanical properties evolution, ultrasonic inspections, electron beam heat flux tests and/or thermal analysis from Tokamak experiments - using Excel, Python & other. Task 3: Potentially witness CEA and IO Teams in pre and post plasma examinations listed in Task 2. Potentially witness plasma experimental sessions if operational. Task 4: Support IO-F4E-CEA Joint Team in understanding damage correlations, reporting on results during regular WEST Joint Team meetings, support in the publication of work related to Tasks 2 and 3. The ITER Organization offers internship opportunities to undergraduate and postgraduate students with the objective of providing these students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in their field of study, whilst collaborating in an international, scientific and multicultural environment. Internships are offered for up to six months, extendable for up to one year (depending on the category). To find out more about our internship program, please refer to our website (click here) For any further questions, please contact Internship opportunities are limited to nationals from countries participating in the ITER Project (China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russian Federation, and the United States). Their Universities should be also established in the territories of the ITER Members. Please also note that interns are not considered staff members and shall, therefore, not have the status of "Staff" as per the ITER Agreement and the Headquarters Agreement (see more information on these constitutive agreements in Legal Resources). Neither the ITER Staff Regulations nor the privileges and immunities granted to ITER Organization staff are applicable to interns. The ITER Organization salary, pension scheme, and social insurance coverage do also not apply. [Not translated in selected language]